Here is a list of commonly used acronymns and abbreviations that one is likely to find frequently in the model, documentation, and reports.
API America Petroleum Institute
BBL Barrel; equal to 158.9 L or 42 US gallons
bhp-h Brake horsepower-hour
BTU British Thermal Units Energy. To convert to kJ multiply BTU by 1.055
CAODC Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CEF CO2 Equivalency Factor
CFC Chlorofluorocarbons
CG Convention gasoline
CGA Canadian Gas Association
CH4 Methane
CIE Compression ignition engine
CIEEDAC Canadian Industrial Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre
CN Cetane number
CNG Compressed natural gas
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO2eq Carbon dioxide greenhouse gas equivalent based on 100 year global warming potential factors. Equal to the mass of CO2 plus 21 times the mass of methane plus 310 times the mass of nitrous oxide.
cpl Cents per litre
CSS Cyclic Steam Stimulation
DDG Distillers Dried Grains
DDGS Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles
DME Dimethyl ether
E10 & E85 10% and 85% ethanol with balance gasoline by volume, respectively
EIA Energy Information Administration
ETBE Ethyl tertiary butyl ether
EV Electric vehicle
FCC Fluid catalytic cracking unit in a petroleum refinery
FCE Fuel Cell Engine
FCV Fuel cell vehicle
FT or FTD Fischer Tropsch distillate
g Gram
gal US gallon (1 US gal=3.785 L)
GHG Greenhouse gases
GJ Gigajoule
GWP Global warming potential over a 100 year period: CO2, 1; CH4, 21; N2O, 310
HAPs Hazardous Air Pollutants
HDV Heavy-Duty Vehicle
HFC Hydro fluorocarbons
HHV Higher heating value of a fuel (combustion moisture as liquid)
Hybrid Hybrid combustion engine and battery electric vehicle
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
ICEV Internal combustion engine vehicle
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
J Joule
k Prefix for thousand
kg Kilograms
kJ Kilo Joule
km kilometre
kW kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt-hour
L Litre
lb Pound (0.4536 kg)
LDDV Light Duty Diesel Vehicle
LDT Light duty trucks, which includes trucks up to 3856 kg, as defined by the US EPA.
LDV Light duty vehicle, which includes passenger cars, light duty trucks and sport Utility vehicles with a gross vehicle weight under 3856 kg as defined by the US EPA.
LEM Lifecycle Emission Model
LFG Landfill Gas
LHV Lower heating value of a fuel (combustion moisture as vapour)
LNG Liquefied natural gas
LPG Liquefied petroleum gases (principally propane and butane)
M Prefix for million, when used with metric unit
M100 Neat methanol (100%)
M85 85% methanol with balance gasoline by volume
MA Mixed Alcohol
MCF Thousand cubic feet of gas at 15C temperature
mi Mile (1.609 km)
MM Million when applied to an imperial unit of energy
MMBTU Million BTU (1 MMBTU= 1.055 GJ)
MON Motor octane number (ASTM method D2700)
mPa Mega Pascal
mpg Mile per United States gallon (1mpg=0.4251 km/L)
MTBE Methyl tertiary butyl ether
n.a. not applicable
n.e. not estimated
NEB National Energy Board
N2O Nitrous oxide
NO2 Nitrogen oxides
NG Natural gas
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
NGV Natural gas vehicles
NLEV US national low emission vehicle emission standards
NMHC Non-methane hydrocarbons, as defined by the US EPA
NMOC Non-methane organic compounds
NMOG Non-methane organic gases, as defined by the US EPA
NOx Oxides of nitrogen
OEM Original equipment manufacturer of motor vehicles
PAH Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
PCI Product Carbon Intensity
PEI Product Energy Intensity
PHEV Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PJ Petajoule (1015J)
PM Particulate matter
PM10 Particulate matter having an aerodynamic diameter of 10 microns or less
PM2.5 Particulate matter having an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less
ppm Parts per million by volume
psi Pounds per square inch of pressure (6.895 kPa)
R+M/2 Average of the RON and MON octane numbers
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
RFG Reformulated gasoline
RON Research octane number for gasoline (ASTM method D2699)
S Sulphur
SAGD Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
SOx Oxides of sulphur
SUV Sport utility vehicle
t Metric tonne (1000 kg)
THC Total hydrocarbon
ton Imperial ton (2000 pounds) (1 ton=0.9072 tonnes)
ULEV Ultra low emission vehicle standard
US EIA United States Environmental Information Administration
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
VCR Voluntary Challenge and Registry
VKT Vehicle kilometres travelled
VOC Volatile organic compounds