How to Input Hydrogen and wood residue into the system and get RNG and biochar

7 months 3 weeks ago - 7 months 3 weeks ago #516 by Babicki

I've been given the task of putting wood residue and H2 into the system and receive, RNG and biochar out 

"Product: 1055 GJ/day RNG, 315 kg/hr biochar

Input: 1500 kg/hr wood, 200 kg/hr H2, 1 MW electrical energy, 2 litre diesel/hr

No emissions or other chemicals, sequester the biochar."

I've been able to input the wood, electrical energy and diesel into the system, however whenever I try to input the H2 (kg/GJ) in "Alt fuel prod" (CB 44) I end up having a very large Co2/GJ of fuel in the "Upstream Results HHV". And to my understanding I need that value to be low as it shows the emissions. 

Another problem I have is I also try and add the biochar (kg/GJ) to AX 26 in "sequestration", but that does not seem to give me any luck as it always spits out 0 g sequestered/GJ produced. 

I assume I need that number to increase as that will lower emissions. 

Just wondering how I can solve these problems


Last edit: 7 months 3 weeks ago by Babicki. Reason: Didn't add all the information needed

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7 months 3 weeks ago #517 by doconnor
There are emissions associated with the production of hydrogen and that is why the upstream emissions increase when you add the hydrogen. The default hydrogen process is SMR of NG. This can be changed on the Alt fuel prod sheet. In rows 161 to 165 there are typical values for hydrogen production that can be copied and pasted into row 44 on the sheet.

Sequestration was not considered for this pathway. You will have to do that outside of the model.

Don O'Connor

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7 months 2 weeks ago #519 by Babicki
Hi Don,

Thank you for that information.

I have another question for you. How do you calculate the carbon intensity of H2 fuel with different feedstocks.


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7 months 2 weeks ago #520 by doconnor
As I mentioned in my first post, there are three easy options for the hydrogen, SMR, electrolysis (and you can change the region for the power or select the source of power) and methane pyrolysis.

If you want a different source of hydrogen, it is more complicated but any of the fuel production pathways in the model can be linked to another pathway. This is done on the Alt Fuel Prod sheet in rows 91 to 93. You could add hydrogen in row 91 and then in columns CV to CX you link the upstream, combustion and energy density to the hydrogen pathway that you have selected.
Don O'Connor

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